Fats- Carbs- Protein

In no particular order...

6/18/20234 min read

Let me be blunt, I HATE diets.

Paleo, vegan, Atkins, carnivore... any of the diets you come to me with I will look at you with a scrunched up face and probably tell you it's stupid and may call you an idiot.

Some of you will be persistent, stubborn even, you'll show me results. You will tell me your friend does it and looks amazing. Celebrities. Trainers recommended it!

You're an idiot. These diets, none of them, are not meant to do long-term. Most of you, and I mean most, will gain your weight or fat back (they aren't always the same thing) as soon as the diet is pushed to the wayside. It is not logical or realistic to eat one way forever.

So Ken, what is the way to eat forever?

Balance. Intuition. Adaptability.

First off, your taste buds change. I eat spicy foods now and I used to hate it. I used to love oatmeal and now I can only do it once in a while. Can you force yourself to eat a certain way forever just because Joe Rogan eats that way? I don't think so. You must adapt to your taste. In other words, you must like what you eat. That doesn't mean you can eat sour patch kids daily and have cake after dinner every night; don't be juvenile. It means when I stopped liking oatmeal, I ate Ezekiel bread with cream cheese instead. It means making conscientious changes that you enjoy. Second, adapting also means you roll with the punches of the day. When people "diet," they follow a strict protocol. That protocol will usually yield results. The reason those results are short-term is two-fold. One, as I have stated, counting macros or following a diet plan of any kind is tiresome, boring, and lots of work for people who already work. Two, it's easy to get frustrated and thrown off your game when the plan isn't feasible. If you're traveling, and you don't have access to your food. You might resist for a while but then hunger grows fiercesome and you binge. the justifications pour in and the frustration pours out. This scenario is only one of many that can happen. Maybe you just had a bad day at work and come home for ice cream. Three days later you have pizza, a day later it's nachos, then alcohol on the weekend. Often times it's subtle like that. Adapt to your day. If you are stressed then binge but binge on lower calorie substitutes. I like whipped cream. It's sweet and low cal. Come up with tricks and stick to them. Also, if you do slip up then own it. Cool, I'll eat less to make up for it. These are things I always told my old clients not to do because in fitness we are "building a lifestyle." Bullshit. Life is hard and things won't always go our way, your diet and fitness are the same. It's ok, don't feel sorry for yourself for too long or you'll dig a deep hole that you may never climb out of. Adap to each day and carry that over to the next.

Intuition. Maybe you can say observation. How do you look and feel? Those are the reasons we are doing this, right? We all want to feel good and have the capacity to do tasks and adventures. We also want to look good. We are a vain nation and that's ok, I like it. If you notice the fat isn't subsiding then... you are either gorging too much or your choices suck. If you feel tired then you are either not sleeping well or your choices suck. Use. Your. Brain. Trust. Your. Knowledge. I used to laugh at clients who told me "The program isn't working. I eat really well." That's a lie. the truth is that if you run in a circle really fast for an hour and cut your calories by 600 then you will lose fat. Any program works if you are consistent and any diet works if you have a deficit. Now, that doesn't mean it's healthy to eat one Big Mac per day just because you're in a deficit, but you would lose fat if you're still training. My point is that you need to monitor yourself. Body fat testing and weighing yourself are fine but the real test is in the mirror and pictures. You've seen my fat pic, I took those for a reason... it's fucking motivating.

Here's my fat pic in case you missed it: https://builder.hostinger.com/A3QElQbPEjuyP2l0/preview

Balance. Ok, here we go with the nutrient talk. Protein is first. Every meal must have it so make decisions based on what protein source you want for that meal. I eat a lot of cottage cheese these days. That's my protein and then I will add things to it. You can do the same with yogurt. I also love eggs, that's protein and fat so I won't add a bunch of oils, topping to it that are fat-based. Here's a video where we make plates, you'll see how scientific we get on this channel. The gist of this section isis to point out that your plate needs to be blanced. protein should make up the first section of your plate because it's most important but that doesn't mean it's the biggest section. Veggies should always take the biggest part of the plate but for breakfast lets make it a protein and fat combo.

Let's simplify your food with adaptability, intuition, and balance. Instead of counting macros, just think about your meal. making protein a priority will automatically make your food selections better. Making veggies your second priority will make your meals perfect. Adding whipped cream as desert will keep your calories down. Looking in the mirror will keep you on track.